Worst Date Ever

I had planned a little romantic dinner at my condo one weekend night. I had everything ready: The candles, cozy chairs, fine China silverware, flowers, and I picked out a nice buttoned down shirt and pants as well. I was really excited for my date. You could call it sort of a blind date. One of my friends had quickly introduced me to a girl at my job and she seemed attractive so I agreed to go on a date with her.
She arrived about at the time I expected her to come. She wore a nice dress and I thought it was going to be a nice romantic evening. Wow was I ever wrong! I had planned on a gourmet dinner. I bought pasta and chicken with some spices and had planned on making chicken parmesean. Earlier that day I prepared the food and put the fire on the stove on a low flame and had timed it so that the food would be ready just in time to eat.
We started off by having a pretty good conversation and I got so wrapped up into her and talking that I completely forgot about the food. I didn’t have that much experience cooking and I didn’t set a timer. Around half an hour later, we weer still talking and I didn’t remember about dinner until my oven started smoking like crazy. When I opened the stove, smoke poured out and my fire alarm started beeping. I started panicking and so did my date. I got my fan and tried to blow the smoke towards the window to prevent the entire building fire alarm from going off. Twenty minutes later I had the building supervisor come up to my room and realize my stove had been smoking. He helped me remove the smoke from me room.
By that time the food was pretty much burnt to a crisp .Luckily my date hadn’t completely flipped out on me yet and didn’t leave. Instead for dinner I took out the already store bought pasta dish from the Italian restaurant near my building. I set the candlelight and played cool jazz music to set the mood. Thats when the trouble started.
After taking several bites into the eggplant parmesean dish, her face started turning a variety of colors. She started panicking and in doing so, she knocked over the candlelight and caught part of her dress on fire. She started ridiculously blowing on her dress which didn’t work so I got a glass, filled it with water and threw it at her. Lets just say I aimed a little too high and the cold water hit her smack in the face. It did put the fire out on her dress but she was not happy with me. She still had the allergic reaction to the food so I offered to drive her to the drug store to get benedril.
The benedril seemed to work and after her face returned to a normal color, she dunped me promptly on the spot which I had a feeling was mutual because I didn’t exactly want to see her again either. I thanked my friend for the blind date and told him that if he ever set me up on another date our friendship would be over.