Worst Date Ever

The next best thing to sex is food. When I’m feeling low sometimes minimizing my food intake invigorates me. Other times I can’t be satiated even when I’m not hungry I continue to eat. I don’t have to like it as long as it is there – I will eat it. I guess this applies to sex as well. When I haven’t had any in a while sometimes I totally lose interest and other times I crave it. It’s in times like this that I become interested in dating again.

Ed is a wonderful man. He’s sweet and kind but he lives over 2 hours away. They call that NOT geographically desirable. If I were my normal picky self, I’d say good-bye very quickly. He’s very short – barely taller than me – do you believe it? He is bald – and worst of all he physically reminds me of my ex-husband. OK – so it all boils down to the fact that I began to date him for sex.

The first problem on our first date, he tells me “I have just begun to date again – my wife of 30 years died one year ago. I’ve decided that I’m ready to date again now,” Yeah right – no way is he ready. “How many women have you been with since you began dating,” I asked. “I’ve been on a few dates” he said. “But I haven’t gone out with anyone more than a couple of times.” Why me – he hasn’t had sex with anyone but his wife for 30 years. On the other hand – maybe this will be a challenge. “Where shall we go for dinner tonight?” he asks. “I don’t know your area – so you can pick a place” Gosh he always is dressed in a business shirt and dress slacks and his car sports a Bush/Cheney sticker.

“How about I cook for you tonight and we stay in and relax.” “Only if you let me help – I love to cook” he says. Good way to get close – maybe we can chop onions together and both cry. He takes charge of the grill and the wine – I make the salad. We laugh as we bump each other in crossing the kitchen to the yard and the table. He won’t drink more than one glass of wine because he has to drive the two hours home – so I have to work fast. I touch his arm across the table. He’s got to be a nice guy – Stretch and Kara (my dogs) really like him. Even they are on my side – not between us tonight! He smiles at me. I guess that’s progress – I lean in for a kiss – he hands a piece of steak to Stretch. I watch him and intently listen as he speaks. We get along so well. I casually lick my lips as sexual as I can be. I get a little closer. He looks at his watch. “I’ve got to go now – I’ve got to get up early in the morning. I really enjoy your company”, he said as he got in his car and pulled out of my driveway.

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