Worst Date Ever

When I was a freshman in high school, I had a HUGE crush on a guy named Chase. He frequently changed jobs and I somehow always ended up running into him at his workplace. Well, one day I showed up at the restaurant where he was working at the time and decided to get up the nerve to slip him my phone number when he gave me my check to leave.

I did it and he smiled and acted excited about it. He even called me up one night to make plans to go to the movies. Well, I was a nervous wreck but about an hour before time to meet up, he calls and tells me he has a friend that is going through a rough time and needs to get out of the house and he asked if I cared whether the guy went with us to the movies. I was disappointed of course but I didn’t make a big deal about it.

Well, when we got there, it was obvious to me that the “friend” was gay. There were a lot of awkward moments during our “date” like catching them occassionally touching each other’s thigh or a smile here and there and when he paid for his “friend’s” dinner and did not even offer to pay for mine, I knew something was not exactly right, but I somehow managed to make it through the rest of the night.

When they FINALLY dropped me off at my house Chase tells me ” By the way, Linds… There is something to tell you about me and my life”.. I stopped him before he could say anything else… I said “Chase, you are gay, it is fine. I can accept it, but next time we go on a date, can you get me a friend, who is straight and us maybe go on a double date instead?”

After that night, it was a turning point in our friendship and he is now one of my closest friends I have. It may not have been the worst date ever, but it is definitely worth sharing the story with people!

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