Wrapping Your Car for Profit

I get a call from my sister in Florida who has another great way for me to make extra money on the side.

Called car wrapping, you use your car as a rolling billboard for advertisers who pay you $400 per month to advertise their product all over your vehicle.

I remember seeing a car here and there with such logos but always thought they were company cars.

I decided to check into it and hope I don’t wind up advertising a condom or something embarrassing such as that.

This isn’t for anyone trying to keep a low profile, of course and while it might be silly who can balk at the substantial extra income per month?

At autowraps.com you can read about Free Car Media with the slogan of “Who’s Driving Your Brand?”

The company says they offer a variety of exciting non-traditional marketing campaigns custom designed to help companies reach their targeted demographic.

For more information on Free Car, call 310-566-4000 #205 or email contact@freecarmedia.com.

At carwraps.net they say people everywhere are mesmerized by these rolling promotions.

One of the most profound advertising mediums is the car, say some experts.

At one site you will fill out an application online regarding where you drive, how often, how many miles are on your car, and the make and model of your vehicle among other information. The only caveat to being a rolling advertisement – you need to have a decent looking car. Many have expressed interest in advertising for companies but had beat-up cars and unfortunately image is everything in advertising as we all know.

I was also told that companies will gift a driver a car as long as they agree to have advertising for that business splashed on their car but I could not confirm this.

Car-wrapping ads use semi-permanent decals that can be removed without damage to the vehicle if so desired.

“Car wraps are not costly for the advertisers compared to other types of ads,” said Rob Kline, an expert in the field. “Some of the more creative ideas our customers are using are geographic landscapes, personal photos, and pictures of their pets.”

According to paidtodriveautowrap.com, the car wrapping trend took off in the 90s when roadside advertising was near capacity.

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