Writer Margaret Yorke Remembered

Family and fans alike remember English, crime fiction writer Margaret Beda Nicholson today, as it marks the one-year anniversary of her death, readers knew her as Margaret Yorke. She died at the age of 88 years old, November 17, 2012, she had written more than 40 crime novels during her career.

Yorke’s first novel was published in 1957, Summer Flight. Her fan base stayed with her over the next five decades.

Her final novel was released in 2001, Cause for Concern. Her five Patrick Grant books were reissued in paperback, published via House of Stratus, in 2012.

“One of the most prolific writers of her generation, she produced on average one novel a year for more than 40 years…” writes the UK Telegraph.

Margaret had two children, with her first husband, Basil Nicholson, a son and a daughter.

Patrick Grant novels:

Dead in the Morning (1970)
Silent Witness (1972)
Grave Matters (1973)
Mortal Remains (1974)
Cast for Death (1976)

Other published novels:

Summer Flight (1957)
Pray, Love, Remember (1958)
Christopher (1959)
The China Doll (1961)
Once a Stranger (1962)
The Birthday (1963)
Full Circle (1965)
The Limbo Ladies (1969)
No Medals for the Major (1974)
The Small Hours of the Morning (1975)
The Cost of Silence (1977)
The Point of Murder (American title The Come-On) (1978)
Death on Account (1979)
The Scent of Fear (1980)
The Hand of Death (1981)
Devil’s Work (1982)
Find Me a Villain (1983)
The Smooth Face of Evil (1984)
Intimate Kill (1985)
Safely to the Grave (1986)
Apricot Bed (1986)
Evidence to Destroy (1987)
No Fury (1987)
Speak for the Dead (1988)
Deceiving Mirror (1988)
Crime in Question (1989)
Admit to Murder (1990)
A Small Deceit (1991)
Criminal Damage (1992)
Dangerous to Know (1993)
Almost the Truth (1994)
Serious Intent (1995)
A Question of Belief (1996)
Act of Violence (1997)
False Pretenses (1998)
The Price of Guilt (1999)
A Case to Answer (2000)
Cause for Concern (2001)

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