Writers Need a Working Space!

When my husband and I moved from Massachusetts to Texas, we didn’t have much in the way of money. We had just gotten married, driven in a U-Haul halfway across the country to our new apartment in Amarillo, TX, and spent what extra money we had on some important pieces of furniture.
Unfortunately, at the time, a table wasn’t among them. Nor was a desk, or any sort of working space.

But as a writer (aspiring), it was tough for me to work that way.
My husband could do his normal studying, email, forum posting, etc., whilst sitting on the bed, or even the floor of our rather bare living room. But after a while of trying this, I could not.

Any writer will tell you that a working space is essential, no matter the type of writing you do, or the type of accommodations you may have. And it doesn’t necessarily mean lots of money!

A working space can be as simple as a quite corner with a small desk you pick up at a thrift store or garage sale, or even a card table (which you can pick up at any local superstore for usually under $55), like mine.
A comfortable chair is important, since you will probably be using the work space for long hours at a time.

Think of the things that inspire you, or get your creative juices flowing, and place them near your working space. These types of items can be related to anything, but should be able to help you write, not distract you. Perhaps it is a picture of the ocean, or your Magic 8 Ball, or just having a handy notepad and pen nearby. Whatever makes your writing come to life!

If you can make your working space in a room that is seldom used, all the better. But if not, make sure you’re in an area where you can shut yourself off as need be, and focus.
Because it was just my husband and myself, I turned my back to other distractions of the room (I have slight A.D.D.), so I could focus better)

One of the most important assets to a working space is light. Be sure you have ample light around, whether it is natural from windows, or overhead lights that are bright enough, because nothing is worse than writing/reading in bad light (plus it can ruin your eyes, and you need them!), such as one dim desk lamp.
This is especially important if you are using a computer often, as many of us do!

If you are like myself, and like to have your “hard copies” on hand in your work space, as well as your computerized versions of books, writing, etc.–a good way to do this if you cannot afford lots of shelf space, is to buy a couple of plastic filing boxes/storage containers–they work well for books and papers you may need offhand, like the poems you wrote in that old notebook when you were 9, or your Oxford Dictionary.

Having a working space is important if you’re a writer, and it can help take the stress out of your work.
Don’t sacrifice your writing because of lack of money–a good working space needn’t break the checkbook!

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