Writing Fanfiction: A Learning Ground for Aspiring Writers

Writing fanfiction isn’t the taboo it used to be. While some don’t want fans writing fanfiction based on their works (in which case, their wishes should be respected), others tolerate or even encourage this expression of fan creativity.

More and more, it seems like newly published authors started out writing fanfiction. And some keep writing fanfiction even after they’ve been published.

So, what are the benefits of writing fanfiction?

Writing Fanfiction Means Instant Feedback

When you send a short story or novel to a paying market, it can be months before you hear from an editor. And, when you do, you often won’t get much constructive feedback. Busy editors don’t have time to critique every manuscript that crosses their desks.

When you write fanfiction, you get feedback immediately. The constructive criticism gives you ideas on how you can improve your writing. And positive reviews can be a confidence booster, especially for those who feel like they’re writing in a vacuum, and don’t often get to hear what others think of their stories.

Writing Fanfiction Helps You Get Over “Stage Fright”

Some find sending manuscripts to paying markets nerve-wracking. (Nausea seems to be a common symptom.) Knowing someone will be reading and judging your story can make all those fears and doubts about your writing rear their ugly heads. It might even make you put off submitting your manuscripts for weeks, even months.

Writing fanfiction helps quell some of those fears. When you post your first work of fanfiction online, it might be as nerve-wracking as submitting to a magazine or book publisher. But, after a while, you get used to putting your work out there for all the world to see. And you find yourself accepting and learning from whatever response your story gets, positive or negative. As a result, submitting your manuscripts to professional markets won’t seem so daunting anymore.

Writing Fanfiction Builds Confidence

A lot of people don’t pursue their dreams of becoming professional writers because they aren’t sure anyone would actually like any story they wrote. When you post fanfiction online, your talent will be recognized. Knowing that complete strangers have read and liked your work can be a huge confidence builder. And just what you need to pursue writing professionally.

Writing Fanfiction Is Fun

When pursuing writing as a career, it’s too easy to forget why you started writing in the first place: Because you enjoyed it. This can turn writing into a chore rather than a pleasure, and can affect your productivity, as well as the quality of your work.

Writing fanfiction makes it hard to forget the fun of writing. Since there’s no pay involved, the only reason to write fanfiction is because it’s fun. And not having to worry about pleasing an editor allows you to write with freedom, and take risks you might not take in your professional writing. All of which will carry over, positively, to the writing you do for submission to paying markets.

Those are just a few of the benefits of writing fanfiction. Writing fanfiction is no guarantee you’ll become the next Danielle Steele or Stephen King. But it can be a valuable stepping-stone on the road to becoming a professional writer.

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