Writing SEO Rich Content for the Internet

So, you’re writing and publishing your stories, articles, news clips, and blogs, out on the Internet, but your not getting any “hits” (visitors to your Web Site or Web Pages). How come there’s no wild stampede hungrily thundering towards your interesting and unique content? While what you written may be a new and fresh view on a given topic, how you presented your content to the Internet may have been done before, even many times over. So then, how do you find out if your topics and content is already out on the Internet? What makes for well written, discoverable Internet content? Let’s have a look at these questions together.

What makes for good discoverable content

The two main symbiotic components that make for good Internet searchable content are “discoverability,” and SEO (Search Engine Optimized) keywords and keyword phrases within a given piece of content. Discoverability is simply (or not so simply) coming up with some popular keywords and or keyword phrases that are relevant to your content, that people are searching for on any given Internet SE (Search Engine).

Most people will search on a phrase (two or more words grouped together) when using an Internet SE. So, you as the Internet content producer should make sure you are using wanted, or at least SE discoverable keywords and keyword phrases in the title and subtitle of your content. The reason it’s important to use easily discoverable keywords and phases especially in the title and subtitle of your content is that these various SEs scour the Internet periodically, and index the pages based on meta information (information describing the content of the HTML page), typically found in the header at the top of each HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) page. If there isn’t any meta information found, then the SE will index the first few lines of content that it runs across, typically your title and subtitle. Hence, it’s always best to make sure your content’s title and subtitle are always keyword, or preferably keyword phrase rich.

Keywords and keyword phrase discoverability

How do I know if my keywords or keyword phrases are discoverable? Using a tool like www.nichebot.com you can get an idea how popular your keywords or keyword phrases are. Once you plug-in your keywords or keyword phrases and click “Search,” you’ll get a results pages with several columns offering different data about your search. The three columns you should pay close attention to include “count, competition, and ratio.” The count column shows how many times your keywords or keyword phrases appeared as a wanted search string on keyworddiscovery.com within the last 12 months. The “competition” column lists the number of pages that appeared on google with this exact keyword phrase combination, and “ratio” shows the number of sites for a single search. The lower the ratio number, the less competition for a given keyword phrase search. Your target is to have more searches using your exact keyword phrase, and fewer Web Sites or Web Pages providing those keywords or keyword phrases. In other words, you want a lot of people using the same search phrase as the keyword phrase you included in the title and body of your content, and at the same time, fewer Web Sites or Web Pages providing content with the same exact phraseology. It’s basically “supply and demand.” You the Internet content producer should provide content that people are “hungry for,” that isn’t already swamping the Internet.

Keywords and keyword phrases density

The main concept here is how often these discoverable and or popular keywords and keyword phrases occur within the word count for the body of your content. By example AC (Associated Content) wants a keyword density of at least 1%, while 4% to 5% is more preferred. Using a utility like www.textalyser.net you can check the body of your content for keyword density. Simply copy and paste the body of your content into the form and click the “Analyze the text” button. Keyword and keyword phrase density is represented in the column titled “frequency.” Scrolling down the page at Textalyzer will show one a lot more information for 1, 2, and 3 or more keywords and keyword phrases.

Another concept to bear in mind and try to avoid is “keyword stuffing, or keyword spamming.” This technique is basically cramming as many keywords and keyword phrases as possible into your content. As SEs scour your Web Site or Web Pages they will collect statistics about these pages, and if a SE sees an unusually high amount of keywords or keyword phrases, your content may get a lower ranking, or even ignored. Most likely writing articles, stories, news clips, and blog entries on the internet you’ll be hard pressed to “stuff or spam” your content, but it is possible. In fact a human side effect of stuffing or spamming keywords and keyword phrases can make any given piece of content unpleasant and cumbersome to read, causing people to quickly lose interest in your specific content and possibly your Website as a whole.

So to recap, the fine balancing act you the content producer wants to achieve is to write relatively short, interesting, and discoverable content, that contains a keyword or keyword phrase in the title and subtitle, as well as a keyword or keyword phrase density of 1% to 5% in the main body of your content.

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