Writing for Web Based Readers

Many writers do not realize there is a difference between print based (traditional newspapers and magazines) and web based writing. Readers read at a 25% slower pace online as they do print articles. Thusly, web based writing styles need to be transitioned a bit away from the common writing style we were all taught in High School.

The first thing you want to do, as in all writing, is to write a highly effective headline. The headline is the first thing that captures your reader’s attention and draws them to your content. Along with a highly effective headline, you also want to remember to include a meaningfully sub heading, one that works well with your Headline and draws people further into your content.

When reading online, people tend to skim more often then they do in print. One way to avoid your content from being on the “skim list” is to make your main points within your first paragraph. By having a brief summary of your main points in your first paragraph, people may (or at least should if this is done correctly) want to continue on with your writing piece to see how the main points that you set out to cover in your first paragraph relate to your Highly Effective Heading.

Another way to hold web based readers attention is to use short sentences with active verbs. As well as short sentences you also want to make your paragraphs short as well. By making your paragraphs shorter, people often do not realize that they have scrolled through many pages reading your rather lengthy content, because every paragraph seems to be so short in length.

You want to try to make the average web based article about one half of the word count that you would a normal print article. This is not only due to the fact that reading a large amount off a computer monitor may strain many peoples eyes, but also the fact that there are many articles on the internet, and if yours seems too lengthy and drawn out, the reader may choose to “surf” on for a shorter article with the same content.

As with any writing, content is KEY. Without well written content you are not going to attract readers. So remember to keep everything concise and too the point. Try not to drag one subject out into something lengthier then it must be. Most of all though, you have to ENJOY what you do, show passion for your subject. Along with the above mentioned tips, showing your passion for your content will give the reader themselves the feeling that you are a competent and reliable source. So take these tips, and set forth on your journey to the perfect web based content.

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