Yard Sale Planning Tips

Yard sales or flea markets are perfect for ridding the home of junk and clutter, and they provide a means of making some quick and easy cash. Due to EBAY and consignment shops, many people have turned their backs on hosting yard sales. Preparing for the sale is tedious. Furthermore, cleaning up once the sale concludes is time consuming. Nonetheless, a good old-fashioned yard sale can be very enjoyable – especially if you can generate some extra cash.

Tips for Having a Successful Yard Sale:

1.Organizing a Yard Sale – If a retail store had items arranged in disarray, would you enjoy shopping at this store? Likewise, persons attending your yard sale will not want to deal with a mass of clutter, with no sort of arrangement. The easiest way to sell items is to group like items together. For example, arrange books with books, music CD’s with like items, and so forth. If possible, keep items stored on tables – presentation is crucial.

2.Clean Yard Sale Items – Most people have yard sales to rid their homes of old baby toys. In fact, these are very popular yard sale items. However, if planning to sell old cribs, bouncers, high chairs, etc., attempt to clean the items beforehand. Many disinfected cleaners are safe to use around children.

3.Yard Sale Prices – Remember, this is a yard sale, not a retail store selling new and unused items. With this said, avoid pricing items too high. Regardless of the history behind an item, most things sold at yard sales are priced cheaply. For example, books can range from a few cents to a couple of dollars. Some larger merchandise can be priced higher, but avoid being unreasonable or greedy.

4. Yard Sale Ads – If you live in a high traffic area, heavily advertising the yard sale may be unnecessary. On the other hand, if your street is located away from a main street, or tucked deep in a subdivision, advertising is great for luring potential customers. Inexpensive advertisement can be as simple as posting brightly colored yard sale signs or flyers throughout a neighborhood. Add a yard sale clip art as a bonus feature. The flyer or posting should include the address of the yard sale and date. If possible, include arrows pointing in the direction of your home. You might also consider printing a small ad in the local newspaper. Avid yard sale shoppers regularly browse this section. The classified ad should include essential information such as address, date, time, and a sampling of items for sale.

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