Yes, You Can Have a Baby and Still Keep Kitty

I remember grandma telling me that I can’t have a baby and a cat. She said kitty could suck the air out of baby’s lungs. This is simply something that has never been documented as happening. I suppose it could happen. For this reason and many other reasons, when buying baby’s crib, buy a crib tent for it. It is a cover that resembles a tent. Air can get into baby, but kitty can not get into crib. You don’t want kitty laying with baby anyway. Baby could get scratch and kitty could get his/her tail pulled. That just wouldn’t work on other levels, too.
Next there is the disease Toxoplasmosis. When people first starting hearing about this, poor kitties were totally to blame. This is not the case, though. Actually, Toxoplasmosis is a rare disease. Yes, it can be serious. But kitty can not be totally blamed. This is a disease caused by parasites. Parasites are usually found in uncooked meat. But yes it can also be found in soil and cat feces. For this reason, expectant mothers should take precautions. Never eat uncooked meat. Secondly, wear gloves when gardening and try not to change the kitty litter. Give daddy that job. If you must do it, wear gloves. Just don’t throw out the kitty.
Now forget the wives tales and focus on things you can do now to help kitty and baby get along well. Is kitty used to babies and children? If not, you need to prepare kitty. If you have any friends with babies invite them over so kitty can see what a baby is. Also see if your friend could make a tape of baby crying for you. Play it off and on, so kitty can get used this strange sound.
Smells is another thing that draws the attention of kitty’s. If you ever put on lotion near kitty you might have all ready noticed this. Some smells seems to draw kitties while other smells seem to annoy them. Start wearing lotions and oils you plan on using on baby. See how kitty reacts. If any of the scents draws him/her a bit too much, you may want to switch to a different brand before baby arrives.
You should also place the crib where you plan on keeping it before baby arrives. Do not allow kitty to lay in it. You can deter kitty by placing lots of soda cans inside the crib and hanging them on the outside of the crib. Kitty will learn that the crib is not comfortable and that it is noisy. You should also go ahead and place the crib net over it, to make sure kitty isn’t smart enough to get through it.
Try to keep kitty’s routine as close as possible. Don’t give kitty any extra attention either. Remember once baby arrives it will be harder to keep up the extra attention.
You can also ask your friends and family to remember to ohh and aha over kitty and the baby, once baby arrives. Explain to them that kitty is a member of your family and you don’t want it feel too neglected. Of course, if you kitty is a shy one who doesn’t like strange humans, you won’t have to worry about this.
Finally, have a stash of new toys to give kitty, once you get home from the hospital with baby. The new toys will help keep kitty busy and it will show kitty that you still care.
Then when baby arrives, just be watchful and see how kitty reacts. With time, all should be fine. And soon kitty will realize that baby is just an extension to his/her family.