Yolanda Pettinato’s Beginner Yoga and and Ana Caban’s Easy Pilates Reviewed

Why am I torturing myself? It is all part of my new life. As a stay at home freelance writer, I am imbued with a sense of self-discipline. I get up when my husband does and I am eating breakfast as he leaves. I do read the paper cover to cover, but of course, that is part of research. At the computer by 8 a.m., I indulge in email correspondence first and then attempt some writing. Sometimes I review the previous day’s work and edit furiously. Other days I launch into a fresh piece. Sadly, many days I stare endlessly at a blank screen. With this sitting around, I felt compelled to throw some exercise into my new routine.
As a poor struggling writer, I cannot afford a health club. Thus I must make do in the comforts of my home. I change into shorts and a scraggly T-shirt. This gym does not require a matching leotard outfit. As someone who indulged in a few too many cookies over the holidays, the goal is to tone and trim. I still fit into my clothes. It is just that they are feeling a tad snug. All of the goodies are gone from the house, as well as breads and any other snack foods. Eating chicken and salads, I feel healthier already. My new workout regimen is just icing on the cake. Mmmm��..make that chocolate cake.
My younger sister started an exercise program last year, and she is looking great (and a lot younger, I hate her). She gave me the DVDs I asked for at Christmas. I figured she knew what I was capable of, and she would want to encourage me in my endeavors. So, from the Gaiam Company, I have the Pilates series with Ana Caban and the Yoga series featuring Rodney Yee. My husband gave me a beginner yoga DVD featuring Yolanda Pettinato.
Before I review these exercise lifestyle DVDs, let me give you a review of my fitness level and interest. I lack coordination and have trouble inhaling and exhaling per the cues. Fairly flexible, I am not a complete blob. I do walk at a quick pace, and I can hold my own in an easy tennis match. Not fleet of foot, I am not a step aerobic kind of person. My interest level is borderline zilch. Exercise is something I intellectually know I need to do for my health. It is not something I eagerly yearn to do. I was the kid working on the yearbook or school paper to get out of gym class. Hovering in the back of the gym, I avoided rope climbing throughout my school career.
However, I am newly dedicated to myself and it is my responsibility to respect my fitness plan. I started with the beginner yoga thirty-minute program. Yolanda Pettinato is a very average looking, very fit middle-aged woman. She speaks in a soothing tone throughout the DVD. Her yoga workout is easy to follow. She encourages you to do your best and frankly, I did not want to let her down. This was definitely a positive start to my healthy lifestyle. I was not instantly discouraged and I did work up a bit of a sweat. I felt serene and good about myself. I did not reward myself with a trip to the kitchen.
The next day I broke out the Easy Pilates DVD with Ana Caban. She is younger than Yolanda and very trim, but I did not instantly dislike her and I was willing to allow her to direct me. Pilates is a bit trickier than Yoga. I found that I had to watch the thirty-minute program first before actually attempting it. However, Ana explains the moves well and she does not move too quickly between Pilates positions. Breathing, balancing, and flowing are not my strong points. I am going to continue working on the Easy Pilates for a while before moving on to the Cardio Pilates or the Powerhouse Workout. Somehow, the word “power” makes me tired.
With newly found muscles squealing, I decided to check out Rodney Yee’s Power Yoga. Well, I think I grabbed the wrong DVD in the series (the other two are Energy Balance Yoga and Strength Building). Rodney is fairly advanced. He is working out in glorious Maui. If I were there, I would have fallen off his mountain and would be flailing in the water about to be eaten by a shark. I shall check out the other DVD’s and see if I missed a step. Or I shall go back to Yolanda and get more proficient in the downward dog or hailing the sun moves.
Altogether, I can recommend these DVDs and starting a fitness program. It is good to set aside some time each day for motor coordination skills, and to free the brain from grammar and punctuation exercises. Being well rounded should not explain one’s body description. Plus laughter is healthy for you. Start giggling along with me as we work out together.