You Broke Your Own Heart

Before you get really upset with me please hear me out. Am I trying to say that the loser who cheated and or dumped you because you gave them to much of your love is innocent? Of course not but I am saying that you broke your own heart by ignoring the subtle and loud signs they sent your way on more than one occassion. I’ll give you an example

You and your guy or girl are sitting home watching television and they are sitting on the love seat and your sitting on the couch when asked “why the distance” and they say “no reason I just like it over here better” and you get up to sit with them and they are instantly tired and going up to bed. (Sirens going off) How about when they go out and come back in in the early morning hours. (Sirens are going off)

I am beginning to understand that people have the biggest desire to love and be loved and once we fall in love with someone strongly for the first time we assume that the feeling is mutual don’t get me wrong they may love you a lot in the beginning but they may have never reached the full level of “In Love” as you have for them. A big reality that most people don’t like to face is that our attitude changes when we are no longer interested in our mates causing our body language to say what our mouths are to coward. Withdrawl in affection and conversation, little time spent, agitated tolerance in mates interest are just a few signs that you may have “over looked.”

Are you hiding behind the I love them so much or the I’ll try extra hard to make them love me how about this one It must be me I’ll change. No one ever stops to think they may not be the one for you or may be your whole life will be miserable trying to force someone to stay with you by changing their mind. Love is great but Unreturned Love hurts so the next time your facing a trouble spot in your relationship that you can’t fix by talking it over than take the hint before the fatal attack on your heart begins.
Before you get really upset with me please hear me out. Am I trying to say that the loser who cheated and or dumped you because you gave them to much of your love is innocent?

Of course not but I am saying that you broke your own heart by ignoring the subtle and loud signs they sent your way on more than one occassion. I’ll give you an example You and your guy or girl are sitting home watching television and they are sitting on the love seat and your sitting on the couch when asked “why the distance” and they say “no reason I just like it over here better” and you get up to sit with them and they are instantly tired and going up to bed. (Sirens going off) How about when they go out and come back in in the early morning hours. (Sirens are going off) I am beginning to understand that people have the biggest desire to love and be loved and once we fall in love with someone strongly for the first time we assume that the feeling is mutual don’t get me wrong they may love you a lot in the beginning but they may have never reached the full level of “In Love” as you have for them. A big reality that most people don’t like to face is that our attitude changes when we are no longer interested in our mates causing our body language to say what our mouths are to coward. Withdrawl in affection and conversation, little time spent, agitated tolerance in mates interest are just a few signs that you may have “over looked.” Are you hiding behind the I love them so much or the I’ll try extra hard to make them love me how about this one It must be me I’ll change.

No one ever stops to think they may not be the one for you or may be your whole life will be miserable trying to force someone to stay with you by changing their mind. Love is great but Unreturned Love hurts so the next time your facing a trouble spot in your relationship that you can’t fix by talking it over than take the hint before the fatal attack on your heart begins.
Before you get really upset with me please hear me out. Am I trying to say that the loser who cheated and or dumped you because you gave them to much of your love is innocent? Of course not but I am saying that you broke your own heart by ignoring the subtle and loud signs they sent your way on more than one occassion. I’ll give you an example You and your guy or girl are sitting home watching television and they are sitting on the love seat and your sitting on the couch when asked “why the distance” and they say “no reason I just like it over here better” and you get up to sit with them and they are instantly tired and going up to bed. (Sirens going off)

How about when they go out and come back in in the early morning hours. (Sirens are going off) I am beginning to understand that people have the biggest desire to love and be loved and once we fall in love with someone strongly for the first time we assume that the feeling is mutual don’t get me wrong they may love you a lot in the beginning but they may have never reached the full level of “In Love” as you have for them. A big reality that most people don’t like to face is that our attitude changes when we are no longer interested in our mates causing our body language to say what our mouths are to coward.

Withdrawl in affection and conversation, little time spent, agitated tolerance in mates interest are just a few signs that you may have “over looked.” Are you hiding behind the I love them so much or the I’ll try extra hard to make them love me how about this one It must be me I’ll change. No one ever stops to think they may not be the one for you or may be your whole life will be miserable trying to force someone to stay with you by changing their mind. Love is great but Unreturned Love hurts so the next time your facing a trouble spot in your relationship that you can’t fix by talking it over than take the hint before the fatal attack on your heart begins.

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