You Get More Than You Pay for at the Hair Cuttery Salons in Bristol, PA

I always get my hair cut and permed at The Hair Cuttery. I usually go to the one in Bristol, Pennsylvania but I have gotten it done at the one at Oxford Valley Mall as well with the same positive results.

“The Hair Cuttery?” one might ask, “I thought that was just a cheap place for families on budgets!” Well, budget or not, everyone likes to save a buck or two, and you will save more than that if you try The Hair Cuttery. Every hair cut I have received there has always been exactly what I wanted. I recently got a perm done that was very nice and only cost me $50! Not only that, but the man made a mistake about what time I said I was going to come in…he informed me he had a meeting to attend and I would have to wait another 40 minutes. When I told him that I didn’t have that long to wait because I had children at home to get back to before my husband went crazy, he went ahead and took me back in a very friendly manner and just missed most of his meeting for me. How’s that for service, especially for a walk-in only salon?

Actually, I have lived here in Lower Bucks county for three years now and I only tried something other than the Hair Cuttery one time. It was the salon at JCPenney. For a good ten minutes I heard my stylist say how bad the Hair Cuttery was. When I got done, I looked in a mirror and the lady had slaughtered my hair! It was terribly uneven and not even a good haircut at all. So…I went to the Hair Cuttery and got it fixed – very satisfactorily too, I might add. I also have a friend who always uses The Hair Cuttery and she is always perfectly happy with her results as well.

I’m sure there are those who would prefer to go to the more expensive salons in Bristol and pay that $80-$100 for a cut and perm. But to me, there is nothing better than getting an awesome cut and perm with enough left over to give a tip, buy some fancy shampoo, and even buy some new hairstyling equipment too while you’re at it!

If you are looking for a basic, down-to-earth hairstyling place that will give you exactly what you want without breaking your wallet….try The Hair Cuttery in Bristol. You probably won’t ever go anywhere else again!

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