You Obsess a Little

You Obsess a Little

“You tend to obsess a little,” you told me late one evening.
Too true, I thought. I’m doing it now.

Recalling your comments that I’ve a very feminine nature
And you’ve a very masculine one, and my replies
On the delightfulness inherent in such polarity
And I think, what’s not to obsess?

I shift into High Gear Obsession as you note I’m just to notice and
Not get excited about your statement, or, I think, OBSESS, and
I feel us breathing softly together and becoming one breath as
Energy body edges permeate with sublime delicacy.

I muse onward, breathing softly, taking time
To feel totally, love passionately, and in my mind
Sparks, harmonics, rhythm and stillness
Merge in a languid dance of skin on skin.

A tongue tip touch, lightly here, then there
A warm, breathy kiss; then another
Then many quick little ones everywhere, tasting,
Drinking in your scent; sliding softly into surrender.

As we dance the discovery dance of opposing forces –
And as our joyful laughter punctuates the sweet sounds of fusion
My obsession peaks as Jimmy Page slides into the same, sweet passion
And the world stops, and I smile.


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