You Were My Friend

You Were My Friend
You were my friend and I was your buddy,
We went on long rides together,
Took longs walks, even went to Mexico.
We had long talks once,
And we really loved each other.
But you know, times change,
And so do people, most do anyways.
And I still love you.
Where are you?
What cha doing?
Can I come along too?
Oh yeah, you got your new friend.
I understand.
But remember when???
Do you????
I can’t forget.
But anyways,
Like I was saying�
I still love you.
What cha gonna do?
Hope you’re having fun, man.
Someday, you’ll come back though.
And then maybe I’ll have someone new too!
You know times change,
And so do people, most do anyways.
Take care buddy. See ya down the road.
I still love you.

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