Your Very Own Beauty Survival Kit

Whether you have the job interview of a lifetime, a hot date or merely a night out on the town, countless beauty snafus may be lurking just around the corner! Don’t fall victim to some of womankind’s oldest enemies…instead, be ready and armed for whatever beauty blunders may await.

Different situations may call for suitable actions, so consider your destination and any possible snafus that may come up while you are there.

At a very bare minimum, your beauty survival kit should include the following:

+ Dental floss and toothpick – A single strand of floss coiled up and tucked away can really save the day in case your romantic candlelit dinner for two becomes a dinner for three, if you count the broccoli between your teeth as a single entity! A toothpick may also be a good item to include for dental hygiene purposes away from home.

+ Clear lip gloss or chapstick – no matter how kissably soft you know your lips are, it can never hurt to add some moisture and shine with a deliciously flavored lip gloss. Applying gloss in front of your date may even entice him to test out your soft and supple lips!

+ Mini mouthwash – Fresh breath in an instant! Just take a small swig of mouthwash after dinner or before you head out the door. Chase the taste of your lunch, dinner or even strong coffee away with a quick rinse with some minty mouthwash.

+ Mini trial size perfume spritzer – freshen up anytime you like by carrying a miniature purse-sized fragrance spritzer with you. Scent is often considered the sense most tied to memory, so let your fragrance linger and leave a lasting impression wherever you go!

+ Hairspray or gel – Long events often leave much room for hair calamities to engage by the end of the night. If you simply can’t stand to have a single hair out of place, it is in your best interests to pack a miniature bottle of hairspray or gel. Just a spritz here or a dab there will fix any potential problems before anyone else even notices!

+ Visine and pressed powder – Did you know that Visine doesn’t just “get the red out” of your eyes? A tiny drop applied to a bright red blemish can often tone down the abrasive color, which can then be further diminished with a gentle blotting of pressed powder complementary to your skin tone. A concealer stick may also come in handy!

+ Tissues – You never know when your allergies might act up or a sudden event may cause the waterworks to spring a leak. By prepared to sop up any unexpected tears with a few tissues packed handily inside your pocketbook.

+ Miniature bottle of lotion – Whether dry hands or peeling skin from harsh sunburn ail you, ward off any unsightly flakes with a few drops of your favorite lotion in a travel-sized bottle. In the dire absence of hairspray or gel, you can also use a tiny bit of lotion to smooth down fly-aways and cowlicks.

For more exclusive events and outings, you may wish to include:

+ Extra pantyhose or at least clear nail polish – The last thing you want to deal with is a runner in your pantyhose when you’re off to nail that job interview so you can get your foot in the door of your dream occupational field. Worse yet, imagine being in the bridal party with short gowns and a foot-long runner from just above your ankle to your knee! Always be prepared, even if it means stashing an extra pair of hose in your car’s glove box.

+ Toothbrush and toothpaste – Keeping your choppers a pretty pearly white can really be a daunting task if you are on the run all the time. Why not buy an extra toothbrush and tube of toothpaste to keep with you in your car, or in your purse when you know you’ll need it? Fresh breath and clean teeth can be yours all the time, even if it does mean brushing away in the office restroom!

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Depending on the size of your purse, you may wish to compile your own beauty survival kit and store it all inside a zippered pouch that you can bring with you from place to place. Keeping a number of these items, if not all of them, in your vehicle is a great idea – especially if you travel a good deal. Add your own beauty items to the pouch to create the ultimate survival kit especially for you!

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