Zenith Decorative Shower Rod

When we remodeled our bathroom last month, a new shower curtain rod was a neccessity for me. My husband didn’t think the old one was “that bad”, but it was pretty scratched up, and when I saw this Zenith brand shower curtain rod at Fred Meyer, I knew it was exactly what I wanted.


This is a tension shower rod, meaning it will expand from 45 inches to 72 inches, so it’s very versatile and fits all standard bathtub enclosures. This is model number 663NS, and is made of a metal material with a brushed chrome finish. All of my other bathroom accessories, such as my faucet, towel bars and toilet paper holders, are all made of the brushed chrome, and this complimented them very nicely.

The ends of the rod have large decorative finials, with a thin sponge area that is stuck to the end of the rod, which protects your walls from scratches, and it won’t mar wallpaper or other finishes. This rod is made in two sections, and to make it larger or smaller, you simply twist it, there are NO tools needed!! There is an illustrated set of directions on the package insert, and there are only three steps to putting this firmly on your bathroom wall. To lenghten or shorten the rod, you turn the two tubes in opposite directions. After the end caps touch the walls, you are still directed to turn it 3 or 4 more times, to be sure that it is firmly in place.


I love this Zenith Shower Rod! It is exactly the kind of decorative rod that I was looking for. I ran across this in my local Fred Meyer store, and it was expensive, retailing for almost $30, but it was on sale for $20, and I had a 10% coupon discount, so I luckily picked it up for $18!! This was a great price for an elegant looking product. This is a high end towel bar, with a nice designer look. It will easily compliment and coordinate with many different bath decor styles.

The only thing you need to be mindful of is be sure the seam is on the right side of the rod. I put it up backward the first time, and the shower curtain rings were getting caught on the seam that holds the two tubes together. It was easy to fix, I just unscrewed the two bars by twisting them in opposite directions, turned the rod around, and installed it all over again. Problem solved.

The company website is listed on the box, and they state that they are the world’s premier shower rod manufacturer, and that they offer a variety of finishes, patterns and designs. The Twist-Tight technology that allows you to install the shower rod without any tools is their patented technology. When I was shopping for a new shower rod, I saw other Zenith styles in white, gold, and a combination of white and chrome. They were all very attractive. I think this is a high quality product, and should get many years of use out of it.

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