About Hanukkah Festival in London

Hanukkah is a historical and ancient event which is celebrated by the Jews all around the world. The event is also known as the event of lights and it lasts for eight days to celebrate the rededication of the Jews Holy temple in Jerusalem. The main souvenir that is associated with this festival is the nine branched Menorah which is also called Hannukiah. The event is observed by kindling one light on each of branch of Hannukiah every night and the last light is kindled on the ninth and final night of the event. The ninth branch is little extended than the other eight and it is called Shamash. The history and other facts related to the event are briefly discussed in upcoming steps.


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    History of Hanukkah Event

    The Hanukkah festival’s celebration dates back to 2500 years and it is celebrated by the Jews every year. The origin of this event is associated with the times of Alexander the Great about 2400 years ago. The Jews won the war at that time but one of their Holy temples was destroyed during the war. The temple was then reinstated and built by the Jews but when the rededicated it they only had enough oil to lit the temple for one day only but a miracle happened at that time and the oil kept the temple lighted for eight days and since then the Jews started celebrating this day as Hanukkah.

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    Important Dates

    The Hanukkah event is celebrated from the 25th night of Kislev which is Jewish month that can fall in any days during late November to late December. The celebrations of 2012 Hanukkah will be started from the 8th of December 2012.

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    The only activity which is repeated during all the nine nights is lightening of one light every night on a giant menorah located in Trafalgar Square. The local authorities and the Mayor of London joins the high figures of Jewish community during the lightening of menorah.

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    The Hanukkah event in London is celebrated in Trafalgar Square, City of Westminster, WC2N 5DN, by lightening a huge menorah.

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    How to Get There

    By Tube

    You can approach the location of Hanukkah event in London by using London tube services to get to the Charing Cross station. On leaving the station head north towards Northumberland Avenue and exit the roundabout onto the Trafalgar Square then take slight left turn onto Trafalgar Square and continue to follow A400 for approx. 0.1 miles, the destination will be on your left.View Map

    By Bus

    For those commuters who want to get there by bus should get to the Trafalgar Square (Stop C), because this is the most closest bus stop to Trafalgar Square. Head south, take a slight right and after leaving bus stop you will be at Trafalgar Square in less than 50 seconds.

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