About Museum of London

Historical events and facts related to London from the prehistoric times till the present day can only be seen at the Museum of London. In the City of London, this remarkable place was built in order to keep history safe and sound so that Londoners remain in touch with the past. The location of this venue also complements the nature of the place; at a few minutes’ walk in the north direction St Paul’s Cathedral can be viewed and Barbican Center is also present near the museum. This non-departmental public body is established to show concern about the social history of London and the role played by its inhabitants.

Website: Museum of London


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    In the year 1976, Museum of London was established where an amalgamation of those collections are placed which were once held by the London Museum and Guildhall Museum. Architects Philip Powell and Hidalgo Moya created this modern building in order to keep the prehistoric period safe. Later in the year 2003, the Museum of Dockland was inaugurated at the Museum of London, which charts the history of London ports. In 2011, the Museum of London Archeology also joined Museum of London and now they work together.

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    Collection to See in the Museum:

    - Expanding city Gallery
    - People’s City Gallery
    - Victorian Walk
    - World City Gallery
    - Galleries of Modern London
    - Chronological galleries
    - London Before London Gallery
    - Medieval London Gallery

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    Tickets and Entry:

    There are no entry fees; the museum is open daily with free admission.

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    Operational Hours:

    Form Monday to Sunday the museum remains open between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm; by 5:40 pm is the last entry and the museum begins to close.

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    Contact the Museum of London:

    If you wish contact the museum through a box office then utilize the operating hours of Museum of London. Between 9:15 am and 6:00 pm, make a call on the number given below:

    Contact: +44 20 7001 9844

    For general inquiries the contact information mentioned below will help you out:

    Contac: +44 20 7001 9844
    +44 20 7001 9801
    Email: info.docklands@museumoflondon.org.uk

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    2 London Wall Buildings, London Wall, London EC2M 5UU, United Kingdom.

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    How to Reach Museum of London:

    By Tube:

    Moorgate tube station is the nearest rapid transit which is 0.4 miles away from the museum. By walk it will take 8 minutes to cover the required distance. Take an exit from the station and head south on Moorgate/A501 towards London Wall/A1211. After covering 305 feet distance, take a right turn onto London Wall/A1211. As soon as you are done with 0.3 miles walk, the museum will be viewed on the right side of the road. For a detailed view of the route, click here!

    By Bus:

    City of London, London Wall Museum Of London (Stop BH) is 292 feet away from your destination. It will take a minute to reach the museum. After getting dropped at the stop from route number 100 of Newington bus station, head east on London Wall/A1211, take a left turn on the same road and after covering 33 feet distance, the last left turn will help you in finding your destination.

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