Ways to Add Background Images and Themes to Windows 7 Media Center

It is said that monotony in any case gives birth to tiresome and we start losing interest in that particular area. It has been observed that people living in plain areas rush to mountainous areas to enjoy the natural beauty of vales and dales, whereas the same scenes of unmatched beauty means something else for the native inhabitants. Same is the case with themes and background images of Windows 7 media center. Windows 7 media center offers a wide range of background images.
However, the method of changing or adding themes and images demands few steps to be followed. These steps have been mentioned below. Scroll down and follow the steps in order and you will be able to add background images and themes to Windows 7 Media Center in no time.
Windows 7 media center is a classic player for audio and video files but people do face some problems to add background images and themes. Only general proceedings will be required to do so. Start off with a high contrast white and high contrast placed just under the color scheme.
In this section the users could find a number of images and themes to select from. Finalize the image you want to add to the Windows 7 media player. Do not forget to save the picture of your choice to some certain place and give it a proxy name.
The other way to add the images and themes to Windows 7 is whiling using the media center. By installing the software to the system you can upload and download images from internet. It will provide you with a variety of pictures, images and themes.
While uploading the image or theme from the internet, users must not forget one thing that the size of picture and given resolution should be the same. Otherwise, Windows 7 will not be able to pick the picture and ultimately it will not be added to the background.
Once you have installed the image to your system you need to restart the system to view the background theme active. This is a real fun to change the images and themes according to you mood. It will help you to enhance your efficiency while working on Windows 7. It is the simple and straightforward way. Is not it?