Adobe Will Not Support Flash Player for All Future Android Updates

Adobe said in an official blog post on Friday that the company will stop all development of Adobe Flash Player on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, and users will not be able to install Flash Player from mid-August.
On its blog, the software confirms that “We have not continued developing and testing Flash player for this new version of Android and its available browser options.”
From August onwards, users will have limited access to Flash Player updates to devices that previously have the Player installed. So, if you want to get the updates, you need to install the app before August.
In addition, Adobe advised the users that when devices get updated from Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich to 4.1 Jelly Bean, the player “may exhibit unpredictable behaviour, as it is not certified for use with Android 4.1″. Users must uninstall Flash before upgrading their phone or tablet to Jelly Bean.
For all those who have Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Motorola Xoom or Google Nexus S, they can get Android 4.1 Jelly Bean by mid-July.
Almost every Smartphone is powered with pre-installed Flash but it seems like it won’t continue with this trend and will quietly exit from Google’s operating system.
Moreover, Adobe will continue giving security updates to devices with Flash player already installed. The decision to halt the development on Adobe Flash development on mobile Android devices was taken last year. The company plans to completely focus on the development of Adobe AIR platform in addition to Flash for personal usage. Developers are already using Adobe AIR platform for mobile video solution.
At the moment, ESPN is using Adobe AIR for live streaming video via WatchESPN application available on the Google Play Store. Furthermore, Adobe AIR platform is also used in the iTV Player application and the Snagflims application.
Apple did not use Flash on its iOS platform from day one, which eventually forced many websites to move to HTML5 so that users can watch video on an iPhone or iPad without any hassle.