Alice Model Nursery School London

Alice Model Nursery School is a community nursery school catering to children of 3 to 4 years of age group. The staff is committed to provide children with an absolutely healthy and happy learning experience which is essential for their growth into useful members of the society. Teaching methods adopted by the teachers are useful for the children in culminating them into well-rounded personalities. The curriculum includes giving the kids a knowledge of numeracy through reasoning and problem solving exercises. The curriculum also includes enhancement of communication skills and basic reading and writing skills of the kids in a friendly manner. Children also learn to become responsible individuals when they are given a chance to feed and take care of the school’s pets. The nursery school holds outdoor trips to places like zoos, museums or bay which give the kids an introduction to the world around them.

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    Alice Model Nursery School Services

    Basics of numeracy and language

    Social, emotional and physical aspects of personality development

    Exposure and introduction to the outside world through various trips

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    How to Contact Alice Model Nursery School

    The nursery school can be contacted at the below mentioned telephone and emails.

    Contact: +44 2077905425

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    Careers at Alice Model Nursery School

    You may use the contact number or email given below to inquire or apply for a job.


    Contact: +44 2077905425

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    Alice Model Nursery School Location

    Alice Model Nursery School, 14 Beaumont Grove, London E1 4NQ, United Kingdom.

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    How to get to Alice Model Nursery School

    By Tube

    The nearest tube station is Stepney Green underground station. You should move in West direction towards Mile End road and take the first left on Beaumont Grove to find the Nursery school on your right. View Map

    By Bus

    If you are intending to use a bus then the nearest bus stop is Stepney Green (Stop B)‎. Buses number 25 and 205 can be used to approach this bus stop.

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