Avonmore Primary School London

Avonmore Primary School is a community school in the Hammersmith and Fulham area of London. Children between 3 to 11 years attend this school which presently has a strength of 210 pupils. Avenmore Primary School runs with an aim to help children top all their abilities and ultimately evolve into responsible citizens of the society. Teachers follow the curriculum in an intuitive manner starting out from the previous knowledge of the kids and gradually moving to the topic under discussion. Children work on various activities and exercises which help them improve on their creativity and mental capabilities.

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    Avonmore Primary school Services

    National Curriculum is followed

    Experiential or discovery method of learning

    Involvement into a vast range of extra-curricular activities yields the psychological, mental and physical growth of kids.

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    How to Contact Avonmore Primary School

    The school can be contacted at

    Email: admin@avonmore.lbhf.sch.uk

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    Careers at Avonmore Primary School

    If you want to inquire about any job vacancies in Avonmore Primary School, then you may contact them at their telephone number.

    Contact: +44 20 7603 9750

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    Avonmore Primary School Location

    Avonmore Primary School Avonmore Road, London W14 8SH, United Kingdom.

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    How to get to Avonmore Primary School

    By Tube

    Kensington tube station is situated near the Avonmore Primary School. Move Northwest on Olympia Way toward Maclise Rd. Take the 1st left onto Beaconsfield Terrace Rd and keep moving straight onto Blythe Rd. Now, turn right to stay on Blythe Rd and turn left towards Hammersmith Rd. Turn right on Avonmore Rd and Avonmore primary school will be on your right-hand side View Map

    By Bus

    Olympia Exhibition Centre bus stop is at a 4 or 5 minutes walking distance from the Primary School. Buses numbering 9, 10 and 27 frequent this bus stop.

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