Basic Employment Rights for a Worker Employee and Self Employed

In old days, people did not talk about employment rights, which disturbed the balance of a professional relationship between the employees and the bosses. There were a certain things, which were forced on the employees unnecessarily and they had to do it willingly or unwillingly. However, things have changed with the passage of time and people are now aware of what they rightfully deserve.

Although, labour laws vary from country to country, yet there are some basic things which remain same all over the world. Every employee should be aware of these basic rights, so that he/she can complain to the concerned department, if something has been forced upon them. It is not difficult to fight for your right these days, as most of the top level organisations have an independent human resource department, which tackles with these things. Even if you are unaware of something, you can get help from this unit in the company.

There are two types of employees present in the market these days. One is the typical worker, who gets hired in an organisation and works on a long term basis, after going through the probation period. On the other hand, there are a few independent contractors, who come under self employment and finish tasks, as they have been assigned to. There are some basic rights of both these types of workers and they should be aware of them before signing a contract with an organisation.


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    Salaries or wages

    According to the laws in the country, an employee is guaranteed a minimum number of wage per working hours and he/she should not settle for anything less than that. Some of the employers can misuse this law, but they can be tackled accordingly.

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    Number of leaves

    Just like the minimum wage rate, an employee has the right to take days off as well. This number can vary from place to place, but there is a fixed rule for the minimum number of leaves available to an employee.

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    The employees should be given proper security and the organisation should not take this lightly at all. If the workers feel unsafe, they can opt to quit.

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    Discrimination and abuse

    You might face some sort of discrimination and abuse in a particular organisation, which is totally against the labour laws of any country. So, you can always complain about the offender to the concerned department.

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