Black Russian Cocktail Recipe

The Black Russian is one of the most popular cocktails in the world and all time favourite drink of the new generation. It is a perfect combination of a simple vodka and coffee liqueur. This decadent coffee-flavoured cocktail, invented by a Belgian, is generally prepared with three parts vodka to two parts coffee liqueur. Preparing a Black Russian cocktail is fast and takes just five minutes to make. It is among those drinks, which attracts the younger drinkers. The Russian part of the name of the cocktail relates the smooth flavour of vodka while Black represents the dark colour of the dominating sweet flavour of Kahlua coffee liqueur. Entertain your friends with this refreshing drink that contains few ingredients.

Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Serving Size: 2 persons


– One quartered lime
–  80 ml Tia Maria liqueur
– 40 ml Absolute vanilla vodka
– Ice cubes for serving purpose
– Chilled cola to serve
– Lime wedges for garnishing


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    Before doing anything else it is a good idea to carefully clean the work surface and utensils that you will be using to make this delightful cocktail. Remember to also wash your hands and any other items that you will be using to prepare this recipe. It is a good idea to make this cleaning a habit when working with any type of food or drink.

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    Cut two equal wedges out of one lime and squeeze them in a glass properly. Now equally divide the squeezed lime juice in the two fashioned glasses. Be careful while cutting the lime as you should always follow all the necessary safety precautions when using a knife.

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    Pour in the simple vodka into the glasses. Remember it is entirely up to you how strong you want your cocktail to be. If you prefer a lighter cocktail then just reduce the amount of vodka slightly to ensure the taste is the same but alcohol content will be a lot less. It is also the same in reverse if you want your cocktail really strong then you can always increase the amount of vodka that you put in this recipe.

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    Add Tia Maria liqueur to the glasses containing vodka and mix them properly. Do not forget to add vodka prior to Tia Maria liqueur as liqueur has a higher sugar content and can easily sink to the bottom of the glass. Be sure while mixing that you get a nice consistent texture to your cocktail mix.

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    Add ice cubes to the mixture as per taste and the entire cocktail will chill.

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    Now, top both of the glasses with a chilled cola. Garnish both of the drinks with lime wedges and serve immediately. Remember that you can garnish your cocktail with anything that you prefer as it is all up to personal tastes.

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