Business Appreciation Letter

Business appreciation letter is part and parcel of every business and job. No matter what your designation is, you are constantly asked to present your input and feedback in the form of letters.
The first paragraph of the letter should include appreciation and thanks to the recipient. You should start by saying thanks to him/her, saying you are very happy with the way you were given the service. Do not prolong the paragraph as the opening lines should only focus on why the letter was written.
The second paragraph can include some details of how the job was done, and how it helped you solve your problems. Keep in mind that appreciation letters do not mention negative points of your business service providers — even if they troubled you at some stage — just talk about the things that you found beneficial.
In the concluding paragraph, you should express your appreciation for the recipient of the letter once again and say that you hope to get the same response and service from him/her/organization.
Sample Business Appreciation Letter
Davis Crook
Suit #70,
Wellington Road,
Auckland, New Zealand
New World Inc.,
Mathewson Road,
Wellington, New Zealand
8 January, 2012
Ref: Appreciation of job done
Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter in praise of the renovation services you have given for my office. I must say that the job done by your team of diligent workers was better than I thought. With all the new equipments fixed, the cost of the service was surprisingly low, which was beyond my expectations.
The best thing about your service was that it saved plenty of time. Since I had to get it done within a tough time-frame, I was a bit sceptical before you started the work. Now, I am back to business with full force.
I look forward to working with you again, as one of friends is also looking to get his office renovated. So I thank you and you team once again for putting in a tremendous effort.
Davis Crook
Template Business Appreciation Letter
(Sender name)
(Sender office/home address)
(City, Country)
(Recipient’s company name)
(Recipient’s office address)
(Recipient’s city, country)
Ref: Appreciation of _____________________
Dear Sir,
I would like to express my appreciation for the renovation services you have given for my factory. I am very happy that the job done by your employees helped me reinstall the machines and equipments necessary to carry on production.
Despite some time-consuming tasks such as paint and repair of the floor, your team met my deadline pretty efficiently. Plus the affordable cost of service has enabled me to remain within my budget.
I look forward to taking you on board once again, as another of my production facilities needs some repairs and refurbishment. I will be keeping you n touch.
Thanking you,
(Sender name)