Charity Donation Letter

Asking someone to donate their money for the cause you are serving is a difficult task, but it can be well done by approaching people in a right away.
Generally, you do not approach people for seeking donation for a charitable cause in person. A letter is the most commonly accepted method, whether you post it or email. So write a letter in a manner that convince the potential donor why he should contribute towards the cause you are serving.
Start the letter with an introduction about your organisation, the cause you are serving, and how long you have been in the social field.
Explain in the second paragraph how important is to work for this cause, and what could be implications if this particular cause is left unattended because of the lack of funding from public sector or otherwise.
Also, mention how important is the contribution from the potential donor you are approaching and that there are many other people who make donations to your work and organisation. Further, if the person has been contributing to your cause regularly every year, give the figures or numbers of clients that you have served with the money.
Highlight your donation collection program, and its pros and cons, and also invite the potential person or head of the organisation to personally see your work and meet your client.
Close the letter with salutation, your complete address, and do not forget to sign it if you are posting it. In case of email you should have business signature in your email account so that the potential donor immediately recognises you and your organization.
Sample Charity Donation Letter
Tom Davis
Children Welfare Charity
24th Blaze Street
London, UK
C33 8NG
02012 23325246
January 22, 2013
Mr M.J.Joseph
Head of M.J.Corporations
3rd Avenue
Plaza Road
East London, UK
E44 5LP
Dear Mr. Joseph
May I take this an opportunity to bring into your knowledge that children welfare charity (CWC) has been working in the field of rehabilitating mentally retarded children for last 20 years. We amid lack of funds in the public sector have supported hundred of children, operating on a self-help basis through kind contributions from organisation like yours. We are a non-profit organisation registered with local social welfare department, and recognised globally.
It is pertinent to mention here that hundreds of children are affected without support from government. We try to cover that gap in the best possible way. You will appreciate that in last twenty years, we have effectively supported 1,134 children, who are living a healthy and happy life now.
Recently, we have started our annual donation collection program and are therefore approaching our generous and regular donors for their participation in the program.
We would also like to extend you a formall invitation here to please visit us some time this month to see how we function and may be you get an opportunity to meet some of the children we have served in the recent past.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Tom Davis -
Template Charity Donation Letter
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your City, State, Zip Code}
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]
Date: __/__/____
[Recipient Name]
[Recipient Designation]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
Dear Mr. /Ms (Recipient Sir Name)
Elderly Welfare Charity (EWC) has been working in cause of mentally ill elderly persons for last ten years, and has provided welfare services to about 330 people who have been deserted by their families and suffer due to lack of government support. We are a non-profit organisation working through support provided by our generous donors.
The plight of elderly people is rooted in collapse of family institutions where children leave their parents out unattended due to multiple reasons. Since there are a few institutions in the public sector that handle the issue, many of the people go without any service and suffer to greater extent. This is where organisations like ours jump in to provide support to these people.
We thank people like you to have generously contributed to the cause in the past and hope you will continue to offer your support in the future. Recetnly, we have just started our annual donation collection program and therefore are contacting organisations like yours.
We look forward to getting a positive response from you.
Yours Sincerely
[Your Signature]
[Your Typed Name]