Christmas Pudding Recipe with Brandy

Since a long time Christmas puddings have become a main dish on our dining tables, on Christmas dinners. This exclusive recipe is mainly served on Christmas and it is also famous by the name of Plum Duff or Plum Pudding.

In accordance to the season, the dish consists of two main ingredients, which are dry fruits and brandy. Both elements are known as a cold killer ingredient and people prefer to use them in their food especially in winters.

There are various recipes of Christmas pudding, but very few techniques are remembered due to their unique flavours and excellent selection of ingredients.

I will be sharing my favorite recipe of Christmas pudding, which I have chosen as a main Christmas dish for my family dinner.


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    The ingredients used in it are very common and easy to find:


    - 300 ml Brandy you can also use Rum or Guinness
    - 250 grams of Suet
    - 1 tablespoon of plain flour
    - 500 grams of breadcrumbs (prefer white crumbs instead of brown)
    - 5 grams of nutmeg (freshly grounded)
    - 1 tablespoon of Ground cinnamon (leveled)
    - 1 tablespoon of mixed spices (leveled)
    - 500 grams of castor sugar (use golden castor sugar for a caramel flavour)
    - 6 Eggs
    - Pinch of Salt
    - Grated rind of 1 lemon
    - Grated rind of 1 orange
    - 1 grated carrot
    - 1 grated apple

    Dry fruit ingredients:

    - 500 grams of raisins
    - 500 grams of currants
    - 5000 grams of golden raisins
    - 125 grams of glazed fruit cherries
    - 125 grams of mixed peel
    - 125 grams of chopped almonds
    - Knob of butter to grease

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    Utensils required

    - 1 large bowl
    - 1 glass bowl
    - 1 wide saucepan
    - 1 jug
    - 1 ladle
    - 1 wooden spoon
    - 1 fork
    - 1 parchment paper in a circle shape same size as the bowl
    - 1 square of tin foil

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    First add all the dry ingredients one by one in a big bowl. To begin, add raisins to the bowl following with golden raisins and currants, suet, brown sugar, bread crumbs mixed peel, glace cherries, lemon rind, orange rind, flour, mixed spices, chopped almond, carrots, apple and pinch of salt.

    Take a wooden spoon and mix it well so that the ingredients thoroughly combine.

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    Take a glass bowl, one by one crack all six eggs and with the help of your fork or a hand beater, beat them lightly.

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    Pour the eggs in the dry mixture and the brandy or Guinness, whatever is available. Now you have to combine the mixture for which you should use your hands.

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    Take another glass bowl and grease it with butter, and put the prepared pudding mixture. With your hands lightly pat the material.

    Take the parchment paper and place it on the bowl, then with a foil cover the surface of the bowl.

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    Take a sauce pan and fill it with water to make a water bath and place the bowl in it. The dish will be cooked by the hot water present in the saucepan.

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    Turn the flame of the stove high and when the water is at the boiling temperature, low down the heat. The dish will be needing heat to get cooked you have to repeat the process of turning the flame high and low whenever you fell the water is switching to room temperature.

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    After two hours which is the cooking time remove the bowl from the saucepan and place a big plate over the bowl. Turn it upside down in order to remove the pudding from the bowl.

    You are ready to serve this traditional recipe and enjoy it with your family and friends on Christmas. The total preparation time is 2 ½ hour. Half hour will be used in combining the ingredients and two hour is the cooking time. This extravagant and yummy dish will be served to eight people.

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