Code of Conduct for Members of the House of Lords

Members of the House of Lords have huge responsibilities on their shoulders and that is why they need to follow a specific Code of Conduct in order to boost people’s confidence in the system, reiterating their belief that it is fair and impartial. In order to achieve this standard, a proper Code of Conduct has been enforced on the members of the House of Lords which does not allow them to deviate from their duty. This Code of Conduct provides members necessary guidance regarding the principles of conduct expected of them while performing their parliamentary tasks. Read through the steps in order to know more about the Code of Conduct for members of the House of Lords.

Visit: House of Lords Website


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    The Code of Conduct

    The Code of Conduct ensures that Lords to the House must act in the interest of public, plus they should also stay in line with the Seven Principles of behavior recognized by the Committee on Standards in Public Life.

    As per the code, all financial and pertinent non-financial matters should be revealed in the Register of Lords’ Interests.

    The members of the House of Lords are also entitled to have refreshment conveniences and services in case of private functions. However, a member should follow separate rules in order to avail these services and conveniences. In reference to these rules, a record of Lords’ private functions is issued quarterly. Read rules on members’ hospitality.

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    House of Lords Commissioner for Standards

    The autonomous House of Lords Commissioner for Standards comes into the picture when any member or members of the House need to be investigated as a result of allegations of violating the Code of Conduct. This also includes the rules that are used to govern members' pecuniary support, plus the usage of parliamentary services.

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    Sub-Committee on Lords’ Conduct

    The cub committee on Lords’ Conduct occasionally reconsiders the Code of Conduct. If a member of the House is found guilty of breaching the Code of Conduct by the Commissioner for Standards, he makes a report and delivers it to the sub-committee, which then advises a suitable sanction.

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    Committee for Privileges and Conduct

    The role of Committee for Privileges and Conduct is to reconsider the reports of misconduct by a member of the House of Lords that are submitted to them by the sub-committee and commissioner. Apart from reviewing the report of misconduct, the Committee for Privileges and Conduct can also hear an appeal of the member who has violated the Code of Conduct. After conducting this type of appeal, the Committee for Privileges and Conduct sends its recommendations and conclusions to the House of Lords for a final decision.

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