Condolence Email to Brother

The main purpose of writing a condolence email is to show your sympathy for your brother who has lost some dear one. It is a way to show your support to your brother in a way that makes him realise that he is not alone.

In the first paragraph, you should state your grieved feelings by saying that you are shocked with the bad news. And then encourage your brother to stay courageous to cope up with this difficult time.

Add if you have any experience or pleasant memory with the deceased person and make sure you include the positive and good things of that person in this paragraph.

In the third paragraph, you need to let your brother know that you are with him at this hard time. Show your support for him and pray for the deceased person.


  • 1

    Sample of Condolence Email to Brother


    Dear James,

    I have just heard the news of the death of your child and the news struck me like a hammer. I am shocked with this grieving news and can understand your state of mind. But you have to surrender against the will of God and become courageous to support other family members.

    Tom was very dear to me and we both used to play different games together. He was a lovely boy who was not only intelligent but also very adorable. I will miss him too and will remember everything about him.

    James, I am also worried about your grief and I am with you as I always have been. Stay courageous at this difficult time and do not hesitate to ask if you need support from me. May Tom’s soul rest in peace and May God grant us patience.

    With deepest sympathy,

    Catherine Laura

  • 2

    Template of Condolence Email to Brother

    To: [Brother’s email address]

    Dear [brother’s name],

    I do not know how to start writing this condolence email to you on this sad occasion [write the sad incident]. With burdened heart, I am writing this email to ensure you that you are not alone in this grief as I am always with you.

    [Write the name of deceased person] was very kind a dear to me and I have had many pleasant memories with him. I will never be able to forget all those things that we have done together.

    [Write your brother's name] you will always find me beside you whenever you need me. At this difficult time, please be patient and courageous to overcome your grief.

    With deepest sympathy,

    [Your name]

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