Difference Between BJT and MOSFET

Bipolar Junction Transistor and Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor are two different electronic semiconductor devices as they largely used in different operations where you need to change electrical output signals for small input signals. However, many believe that these two devices are same and serve the same purpose. With the advancement of research, you now know that Bipolar Junction Transistor and Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor though transfer electrical output but at the same time differ from the signals overall output. The differences between them are subtle but with some information you will be able to identify it.


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    Bipolar Junction Transistor

    Bipolar Junction Transistor is made of two types of semiconductors along with two PN junctions. A p type semiconductor and n type semiconductor make a Bipolar Junction Transistor. This is also important to know that these two types of semiconductor later make three more connections and using three semiconductors P-N-P or N-P-N while in Bipolar Junction Transistor PNP and NPN are also available. To understand it better, you need to know that Bipolar Junction Transistor is an electronic semiconductor device which often works as changing electronic output signal for small changes in small input signals. As many people call transistor as one of the most important inventions of the 20th century. The Bipolar Junction Transistor was first to come while later many other transistors also came and proved their worth.

    - Image Courtesy: jeelabs.org

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    Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor

    Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor was invented later when Bipolar Junction Transistor gained popularity. It is the second type of transistor type which basically consist of three terminals ‘Gate'  Source’ and 'Drain', it is also controlled by the gate voltage. With these characteristics, many call them as gate controlled devices. Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor also has four different types of n channels and p channels. It is not confirm that type of depletion or enhancement mode Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor has but still you can determine by the gate voltage. Basically gate is made of metal and separated from its sources. Though insulation causes many problems but the transistors and semiconductors with low consumption of CMOS logic, it can still work better.

    - Image Courtesy: jeelabs.org

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