Difference between EIN and Tin

Employer Identification Number (EIN) and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) are two numbers that are issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to the individuals who aim to start a business. When there is income involved, you will have to file tax returns. These two numbers make it easy for you to check your status and complete the procedure without any major trouble.

As the purpose of these nine-digit numbers is almost same which makes people think that they are identical but still there are couple of differences that actually make them unique.

The first basic difference is that TIN is required when an individual becomes a taxpayer and the tax collecting authorities want to keep the record of his or her income and tax. On the other hand, EIN is issued to an organisation that employs workers.

There are many types of TIN like Preparer Taxpayer Identification Number (PTIN), Social Security Number (SSN), Adoptions Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN) and Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). However, EIN is of just one type rather some are of the view that it is a sub category of TIN.

The issuing authority is another difference as you can get EIN only from Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whereas some types of TIN are issued by other departments like Social Security Administration.

Every taxpayer in the United States gets a TIN and they can claim the earned income credit by using this number. However, if the taxpayer is a non-resident or a work permit holder then IRS will allot that person an Individual Identification Number. This number also contains nine digits but one cannot enjoy all the benefits like a regular taxpayer.

There is also difference in the procedure of application as you apply online for EIN. The IRS has provided special links on their official website where you can fill the relevant form and submit. However, you will have to apply on paper forms for TIN. You will attach your birth certificate or the other certificates of citizenship. Moreover, you are required to send a federal income tax return along with your application.


  • 1


    In 1974, the US government passed an act that every business organisation must have an employer identification number to regularise the income and taxation process. This number is basically an identity of that organisation and it authorises them to hire and pay their workers.

  • 2


    Tax Identification Number is basically to spot the individuals that have enough income to fall in the category of taxpayers. Mostly, IRS issues this number but sometimes the Social Security department also assigns these numbers to local residents.

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