Difference Between FBI and Police Officer

The basic way of looking at this is that police tend to have only a local jurisdiction. This means that they only have limited local boundaries in which they can enforce the law. They jurisdictions are appointed to them under state legislation. If they move from place to place and are federal police, they most probably belong to a federal agency.

The FBI on the other hand belongs to the federal justice department. Its jurisdiction is not limited to any specific areas, instead their jurisdiction spreads to any place where crimes are committed. They can even cross boundaries if need be, should something happen to Americans, or is being plotted against Americans on foreign soil.

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    The federal Bureau of Investigation is a government owned agency, which belongs to the United states of America. It operates as both as a criminal investigation body and an intelligence/ counter intelligence agency. It is also responsible for handling all the issues in America, that occur in regards to the Indians and their reservation in the land.

    The FBI was formed in 1908 and it had its named changed to the FBI from BOI in 1935. Their headquarters are located in Washington DC. The bureau is reported to have fifty six field officers, who are spread all across America. Apart from that, they have over four hundred resident agencies in smaller less populated cities.

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    The police is made up on individuals, who have been given power by the government, in order for them to enforce the law, protect the land and take care of any civil disobedience that might occur on the countries soil. They have many powers that have been handed to them, but they have to use them properly, or they could also be taken in for misuse of power.

    Police forces are not the same as the military or other organizations that offer defence to the state or the country.

    The police force includes officers who patrol the streets and are given certain areas to mark. Some of them have cars to drive around, while others move around on foot. Some police officers are also responsible for taking care of the traffic and they come under the traffic police department.

    The police is responsible for taking care of day to day activities in the land, and to ensure that everything moves about smoothly.

    Related: How to Become a Police Officer

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