Difference between Fryer and Roaster Chicken

Meat lovers all over the world prefer chicken over other forms because it is relatively inexpensive and is easily available. There are numerous chicken recipes, which can be cooked to serve to your guests or family members.
However, one can get confused over the types of chicken available in the market, which can result in a lot of problems. Normally, people don’t bother looking at the type of chicken they are buying from the market. As a result, they ruin the recipe and feel that they are not very good at cooking.
If you figure out the difference between various types of chicken, you will be able to avoid all sorts of confusion and the recipe will also taste good. There are mainly three forms of chicken available in the market namely broiler, fryer and roaster.
Fryer and roaster are almost identical and the only difference between the two is their weight. Roaster is lighter than a fryer but the rest of the characteristics are similar.
However, the significant different between the fryer and roaster chicken is that they cannot be prepared in the same manner.
First of all, it is important to understand the age difference between the two types of chicken. The fryer is only six to eight weeks old whereas the roaster is always older than 10 weeks. Due to this, the roaster weighs quite a bit more as it ranges between five to seven pounds on average.
Another difference is that the fryer has got tender meat, where roasters have a harder texture. As a result, the roaster chicken needs to be cooked for more time. Otherwise you will be unable to get the desired tenderness and the meat will not digest properly, when you eat it.
Although fryer chickens are more popular because they can be cooked easily, roasters are loved because of their distinctive flavour.
This is a form of chicken that is easily available in the market. It is consumed by people all over the world and is considered to be very healthy for you.
Image Courtesy: fromthefarm.com
This is another form of chicken, which is slightly expensive and requires some special methods for cooking. Since the roaster is older and healthier, it takes more time while cooking.
Image Courtesy: samcooks.com