Difference between Lidocaine and Lignocaine

Human has almost touched all limits of progress. A massive advancement has been observed in every field over the past 100 years. The field of medicine, in particular, has seen immense development in the recent years. The chemists have prepared medicines for almost all the physical problems. And as a result, even the life-taking deceases are curable now.

Lidocaine and Lignocaine are the two important medicines. However, there is no major difference between them. It is a same medicine that comes by two different names. It means that both medicines have the same chemical formula; however, the brand name is different. This medical formula is a famous anesthetic drug.

As far as the usages are concerned, Lidocaine and Lignocaine have no big dissimilarities. The former of the two is best to numb a part of the body. Therefore, it is frequently used in dental surgeries. The surgeons even use this medicine for stitches or during the mouth sores treatment.

Similarly, Lignocaine comes in gel or injection form. Its main purpose is also numbing a part of the body. Also known as xylocaine, this drug is actually an aromatic amide.


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    It is basically an anesthetic drug, mainly used by the dentists. The medicine is also used for other surgeries. For instance, the surgeons apply the gel to numb any specific part of the body, when they are required to insert any medical instrument into the body.

    The doctors also use this wonderful medicine to treat bladder or urethra pains. It is not a permanent solution though, as the drug stops the pain signals only for a while. When applying the gel to the gel, both the patient and the doctor should stay very careful.

    Applying it over a large surface may create some problems. The overdose must particularly be avoided when applying to the cuts and damaged tissues.

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    It can be said that it is a British name of Lidocaine. This name is extremely popular in England. Just like Lidocaine, this medicine stops the sodium cells from pumping sodium in to the nerve cells. As a result, the patient does not feel any pain, but only temporarily.

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