Difference between Low and High Pressure Systems

There are two terms widely used in the meteorological reports. These names are the Low Pressure Systems and the High Pressure Systems. The Pressure System is basically a region of the earth’s outer atmosphere where the air pressure can be determined. The air pressure in the atmosphere can be at a peak or at its minimum.

Low Pressure System is a region in the earth’s outer atmosphere where the air pressure is rising. On the other hand, High Pressure System is a region in the atmosphere where the air pressure is falling or sinking. Low Pressure System is known as cyclone whereas High Pressure System is known as anti-cyclone.

There is a difference in the weather the two systems create. A Low pressure system would create a weather that is moist and cloudy whereas a High pressure system would create a weather that is dry and warm. This type of system would support low humidity also as the weather is fair.

Low pressure systems cover a lower area in comparison to the High pressure systems and are less frequent also. On the other hand, High pressure systems are more frequent are cover a larger area of the earth atmosphere. As they cover a larger area and are more frequent, High pressure systems


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    Low Pressure System

    Low pressure system occurs when the air pressure in the earth’s atmosphere is rising. Other names of the low pressure system include depressions, cyclones and lows. The main reason for the making of a low pressure system is that the air gets moist in comparison to the air around. The expansion of the air due to the moistness results in it moving upwards. When the air moves up, it can form clouds and may result in rain or snow.

    Image Courtesy: surfersvillage.com

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    High Pressure System

    High pressure system occurs when the air pressure in the earth’s atmosphere is falling. Other names of the high pressure system also include highs and anticyclones. The main reason of the forming of a low pressure system is that the air cools down in comparison to the air around and it starts to move upwards. This may result in a warm temperature and the humidity in the weather decreases. Usually high pressure systems keep a fair and calm temperature at all times.

    Image Courtesy: suncam.tv

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