Difference Between Mafic and Felsic

Mafic and Felsic are two different concepts of mineralogy or geology but many believe that these two terms are the same and have differences in them. These terms are basically used to describe rocks and lava and their characteristics. However, still these two terms have broader sense in understanding characteristics of rocks and lava. While describing lava and rocks, these terms go side by side. For example if we are talking about mafic lava or felsic lava, we need to understand that mafic lava means that it is runnier or opposed to the felsic lava.
Mafic lava is basically known as rock formation basalt. It is relatively deep study of minerals and geology in a broad sense. The floor of the ocean is made of basalt but most of us do not know. There are also many things about the ocean and its surface which we do not know much about. The nature of mid ocean ridges connected with interpolate volcanism. The study of ingenious rocks can also give you vital information regarding mafic lava. You also need to know that mafic lava is less viscous. People who say that it is the same as felsic lava but overall its characteristics are quite different. You can find this lava in predominant in mid-ocean ridges. The power of its eruption is also weaker. The colour of the lava or mafic rock is very dark.
- Image Courtesy: brighthub.com
You can find felsic lava in specific geological areas especially in a convergent zone. Geological experts say that you can find felsic lava in geological plates where inner mountains collide. The presence of huge amount of silica along with extra water in surrounding and burnt earth, this combination will create extra powerful lava. It also produces andesitic and rhyolite rock formations. It is also more viscous and considered more violent and you can find it at convergent zones. You also need to understand that its eruption is very powerful. The colour of the felsic lava or rock has light shades with extra silica.
- Image Courtesy: geologyclass.org