Difference between Memorial and Funeral

There are certain times in life that are pretty tough. One such event is the passing away of someone as it leaves friends and family in pain and distress. Life goes on but it does take time for the pain and grief to lessen. It can never go away completely.

It is, however, important that the deceased is honoured. It is something that not only shows a bit of gratitude to the person who has passed away but also to helps bring closure for the family of the person.

A few kind words can be soothing for the grieved ones. For this purpose, funeral and memorial services are held. Both concepts are similar but have their subtle differences.

A funeral is an events where people pray for the soul of the deceased and talk about him or her as well as bury the remains of the deceased person.

On the other hand, a memorial is similar in nature and people mainly talk about the person who has passed away yet there is no burial that takes place. The main difference between the two is the presence or absence of the body to be buried.


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    The funeral mainly involves the taking of the body to the graveyard which is generally done in a caravan of vehicles. The loved ones pay their last respects for the deceased and pray for the soul to rest in peace.

    Generally this takes place at the site where the person’s body is to be buried. Once everyone has paid their respects, the body is buried and the last rites of the person are complete.

    This generally takes place the same day or within a couple of days of the passing away of the person in most cultures. A delay can take place in case of legal issues though. In western countries, funeral is a very expensive affair.

    - Image Courtesy: michaeljlweis.wordpress.com

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    A memorial service is an event where people remember the person who has recently passed away. This can take place at any time and often is arranged after a few days of passing away. There is no bar when it can take place.

    This can be arranged by the loved ones as well as those who respected the person. People make speeches and remember the good times with the person.

    It can be arranged any where and it can be a simple ceremony just to remember the person.

    - Image Courtesy: stlawrencejewry.org.uk

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