Difference between Omnivore and Carnivore

Omnivores are organisms that eat a variety of foods that include plants and animal meat. On the other hand, carnivores are organisms that only eat animal matter. The best example of omnivores is human beings who can consume plant matter as well as animal matter. Carnivores include lions, tigers, cats, eagles and sharks etc.

Omnivorous creatures are carnivores as well as herbivores. Herbivores eat only plant matter so Omnivores can be termed as a mixture of the two.

Omnivores have very well developed canines to consume both types of food. On the other hand, carnivores have very sharp teeth so that they can be used for the purpose of tearing flesh when they are on the hunt.

Omnivores have a long gut as they capacitate any type of diet that they consume. They can sustain the hunger for a longer period of time. On the other hand, carnivores do not have a long gut as compared to omnivores and herbivores so they tend to get hungry more often.

The omnivores have a very good digestive system as they eat a variety of foods. They have enzymes that digest the food and protein in an effective manner. Carnivores also have enzymes in the stomach to digest food effectively but they are not as effective as omnivores’ digestive system.


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    Omnivores are organisms that can consume animal flesh as well as plants. They can eat a variety of meat and can also eat plants for their nourishment. These organisms have flat teeth which helps them in grinding the food they are eating before they swallow it. These organisms have a very good digestive system and can digest food in an effective manner.

    Omnivores also have a long gut which means that they can sustain the hunger for a longer period of time in comparison to other organisms.

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    Carnivores are organisms that can consume only animal flesh. These creatures mostly eat live foods which means that they catch their prey and hunt it for food. Carnivores have sharp teeth so that they can hunt down other animals for food. Their pointed teeth do not allow them to chew the food like omnivores so they swallow whatever they eat.

    These creatures have a large stomach as they do not chew food to cut it down. They tend to get hungry easily and have a relatively shorter gut as compared to other organisms.

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