Difference Between Sea Trout and Salmon

Sea food is one of the most liked foods in the world. There is so much variety that is found all over the world that it is quite unbelievable. Every culture has its own specialties in seafood and one can enjoy them whenever one visits different parts of the world.

There are some fishes that are available all over the world and are liked by one and all for their great taste. Sea Trout and Salmon are two fishes that fall in that category and have fans all over the world. Both of them have a great taste and have certain similar features which can sometimes make them hard to tell from each other.

There are, however, subtle differences between the two with the help of which you can identify them. The number of scales on a salmon is ten to thirteen while the number in sea trout is generally thirteen to sixteen.

The mouth of the salmon is visibly larger than that of the trout as well. The edge of the mouth and the eye line in salmon is almost in the same line whereas in case of trout, the edge of the mouth extends further back from the eye line.

The sea trout have a convex tail whereas the tail of a salmon is peculiarly forked. The neck and the tail of a sea trout are broader and stouter in comparison with the salmon and it is believed that they are not easy to hold in hand.  Salmon on the other hand can be held in the hand with relative ease.

The head of the sea trout is somewhat pointed whereas the salmon has a rounder head. Similarly, the body of the salmon is streamlined and slender whereas the trout has a roundish body. The salmon has a few spots and the trout is heavily spotted.


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    Sea Trout

    It is also known as Salmo Trutta. Between July and November, they migrate to river streams in order to spawn and can lay up to ten thousand eggs. Afterwards, they move back to the sea. They tend to prefer coastal areas where fresh water meets the sea water.

    They are one of the favourite fishes all over the world and people love to have them in their food.

    Image Courtesy: .cpwf.co.uk

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    Also known as Salmo Salar, some call it the king of fish. They travel a fair distance during their life time - the fish is migratory in nature. Salmon return to the fresh water streams in order to spawn. It is amazing to know that they can return to the very stream where they hatched out of their egg.

    It is one of the more commonly consumed fish and is available fresh as well as canned in stores.

    Image Courtesy: fishcreeksalmon.org

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