Difference Between Secretary and Receptionist

Secretary and receptionist are two important positions in any institution. However, many people think that receptionist and secretary are two names of same position, possessing same responsibilities. The main reason why majority of people consider these two job titles interchangeable is because both receptionists and secretaries often perform clerical tasks, attending phone calls and managing files etc. on the other hand, both of them are completely different posts.

The major difference to both positions pertains to “responsibility.” A receptionist is basically a front desk officer. He/she is supposed to greet the people who enter the organization and direct them according to their requirement. He/she is the one, who is supposed to attend all the incoming calls, listen to quires and note down the complaints. Anyone interested in booking an appointment or meeting someone senior (in terms of designation) in the company have to consult receptionist to confirm the date and time of the appointment/meeting. Pleasing personality, good dressing taste, impressive communication skills, sweet voice and helping attitude are one among the major requirements of a receptionist’s job. Perfect receptionist is the one with a capability to attend all business related queries with good efficiency, turning casual queries into real customers.

A secretary is basically an official representative of his/her boss. The responsibilities of a secretary differ from one organization to another as they revolve around the size of a company. In small business, he/she may have to carry out the dual duties of a secretary and receptionist at a time. In large business, on the other hand, a secretary is supposed to deal all the organizational matters of his/her head (boss). Sectaries are responsible for organizing schedules, receiving and responding to all incoming emails, booking supplies, scheduling appointments and meetings, typing letters and preparing presentations and many more. He/she is required to have at least a high school or equivalent diploma, with inspiring typing skills.


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    “An employee taking an official/administrative support position and greeting the visitors and clients.” A receptionist usually sits in the front/lobby area of an organization, such as front desk or lobby.

    Image Courtesy: survivalstrategies.com

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    “An employee who does administrative work and supports management, using his/her project management, communication and organizational skills.” A secretary in an organization is also known as “administrative assistant” or “personal assistant.”

    Image Courtesy: eurodomestics.com

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