Difference Between Sect and Cult

Since the very start, humans have been looking for peace of mind. There are many routes that man has tried over the centuries. Some have been successful while others have not been so useful. There are major religions that people subscribe to and have millions and in some cases, billions of followers. They all offer salvation and many people have found peace in their lives with the help of religion.
However, none of the religions these days is without any differences amongst its followers. We often come to hear the term sects related to all major religions. We also offer the term cult quite often and sometimes we can mix the two.
There are clear differences between the two and they should never be thought of as one and the same. Sects are related with religion whereas the cults are generally claiming to be religions themselves.
Also a sect has to be related with a religion with major following. On the contrary, there is no need of the cult to be religious in nature and it can be formed for following of other matters as well.
There are sects associated with just about all major religions. They generally offer a somewhat different perspective of the same teachings. The people of various sects generally co-exist peacefully keeping their differences on the side when they socially interact.
The following of each sect can be in millions or greater in many religions. They are wide spread and widely accepted. Many governments all over the world make special allowances to help the sect followers to cater to their religious needs.
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Cult is generally a small group of people who follow their leader and are not related to any major religion but try to present their own solution to the problems. All the teachings come from the leader of the group. Some of these cults have absolutely nothing to do with religion or higher beliefs.
The following is generally limited and goes away with time. Often the cult leaders are wanted by the local authorities due to their dubious activities and have no sanction of any kind from the government. It is rare that a cult gets a nod of approval from the society and the followers are often unwelcome in the social circles.
Image Courtesy: tmakworld.com