Difference Between SOA and Web Services

Service-oriented architecture and web services are two forms of applications that are quite different from each other. But many consider them same and say both terms are related. Service-oriented architecture is basically different architectural concepts which are mainly developed and integrated with services while web services serve a different purpose of communicating over the network. Web services are mainly supported via machine to machine and these services are also self-contained and self-describing. In web services, Web Service Description Language also plays a vital role in communication over a network so that information can pass freely.


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    Service-oriented architecture

    A set of architectural concepts which mainly developed and integrated of services is called Service-oriented architecture SOA. In computing distribution, SOA is widely used throughout the entire system to ensure the integrated services are functioning properly and efficiently. When consumers use interoperable services, you can say SOA is playing its role. Though multiple users can consume one service but when set of different individuals use SOA, it automatically integrates with multiple applications. This is what makes SOA such an important factor. If technologies and operating systems are clearly using all the applications, it means that SOA is active. It is purely based on consumers to use different services. SOA developers make sure that services are properly functioning. You can also make these services available on internet. SOA is directly linked with principle service orientation. Along with different interfaces, SOA is also accessible over the internet.

    - Image Courtesy: soa.com

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    Web services

    The method of communication over the network is called web services. This service is basically introduced to support different machines. Over a unique network and to support different complex machines which also help communicating over a network need support to work efficiently. Web services are usually self-contained and self-describing. The Web API in WSDL Web Service Description Language and Universal Description along with Discovery and Integration protocol are also part of web services. These web services are used in different ways. You can use as Remote Procedure Calls and Representational State Transfer to help you get your work done quickly. They are also automated designs and developed in generation tools. These generation tools are different classes of web services. A web technology which is used to build applications is part of web services while it can also send /receive different kinds of messages using SOAP over HTTP. This allows for the information of the web services to flow freely and efficiently.

    - Image Courtesy: thoughtpost.com

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