Difference between Static and Dynamic Web Pages

Static and dynamic web pages are two different types of web pages. As the internet has expanded and millions of web sites are being added everyday, understanding the difference between static and dynamic web pages is crucial. Dynamic pages allow you to change it depending on data from other sources such as MYSQL databases. On the other hand static pages at all times stay the same except they are manually updated. Both pages provide a large source of information. A static web site will be completely written using HTML, unlike a dynamic website that is written with more complex codes including PHP or ASP. The main difference between static and dynamic web pages also occurs behind the HTTP server.
Static web page
Static web page displays fixed content to all the users. The information or the data on a static web page cannot be changed from user to user as well. Most static websites are created through HTML coding system. The codes are all interconnected with the server through hyperlinks. Though these codes are interconnected but still they perform independently on each end. The content or codes created via HTML coding system are always saved on the fixed memory. Different servers have different types of memory including fixed and active. In a static web page, the data, content or coding is saved in the server’s fixed memory. On the other hand, if you need to make any potential changes on the web page, you have to go by manually and make changes in HTML coding on every web page. Html or .html are two file types on which the data is saved in this format.
- Image Courtesy: aeriedesign.com
Dynamic web page
Dynamic web pages give you freedom to change the data or information directly on the web page. Unlike a static web page, the content on a dynamic web page may change from user to user. Amazon, Yahoo, Gmail, CNN and iTunes are prime examples of dynamic websites. Dynamic web site’s structure is also different from a static web site. Dynamic web sites work quite simply with a resource database that is connected to the web server. Application servers also share dynamic information though different database software.
- Image Courtesy: dejanseo.com.au