Difference Between Studying Medicine and Engineering

There are many professions that one can take in his or her career and make a good living out of it, while providing the society with a noble service. These often require one to attain a certain amount of education.

Doctors and engineers are well respected and perform important duties in their own field of work. Their training and education is quite different from each other and there are many differences between the two of them.

First and foremost, engineers have to study for four years in most programs where as doctors have a longer time period of education and even when they have completed their education, they must continue to train under supervision of senior doctors to earn their degree.

The background requirement for engineers is to have strong mathematical basis. Doctors need to have a strong base of biology in order to study in the field.

Engineering is a diverse field and there are many options such as electrical, electronic, civil, mechanical and what not. The engineers select their field of work at the start of their professional education. On the other hand, the training of the doctors is same for all initially and once they have earned their degrees, only then they can further specialise in the field of their liking.


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    Studying to become a doctor is a pretty tough ask. One has to study for four years as a pre-med student and then there is another five years of medical school. The student must score well at the MCATs in order to improve the chances of getting into the medical school.

    There are no specializations at the start and a person can only take up a field after the completion of education and training that follows afterwards.

    It is a well paying career and doctors are one of the top paid professionals in many countries. The field does, however, require a lot of sacrifices.

    It is an expensive education and one must look for financial aid and student loans to be able to go through.

    Image Courtesy: wakeuptosleep.com

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    The time period is generally four years from start to becoming an engineer. One has to have good grades and do well on the aptitude tests in order to be considered for the engineering college.

    It is not a very cheap kind of education and it is best that students apply for financial aid early on so that the burden can be lessened to a fair degree.

    The selection of the major subjects is done at the start of most programs though there are common courses in all engineering programs that you must take.

    The pays once you have qualified as an engineer are quite good and depending on the field of work, you may have an office or field job.

    Image Courtesy: rossengineers.com

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