Difference Between Taper and Fade

There are lots of hairstyles for men that are in vogue these days, and taper and fade are two such popular hairstyles – not only do these styles look attractive,  they are also very easy to maintain.

Most men fail to understand or explain the difference between these two hairstyles when they go to a barber shop, the main reason being that they share a number of similarities. Despite many similarities, however, both hairstyles differ dramatically, not only in the  length of hair that remains, but also in terms of which individuals and age groups they are preferred by.

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    In the taper haircut, the length of the hair gradually decreases from the top to the back (neck) and to the sides, whereas a fade haircut is the one in which the hair is cropped from all sides, including the hair at the top of the pate. A taper can be done with both hair clippers and scissors, while a fade can only be done with hair clippers, since the scissor over comb method does not fade hair out smoothly.

    A taper haircut allows men to enjoy longer lengths, while still maintaining a carefully groomed appearance. On the other hand, the resulting length in a fade haircut is much shorter, and the switch from a thick crop of hair to a short one occurs quite rapidly. Furthermore, the taper hairstyle allows for more movement and greater flexibility when it comes to styling hair, while the fade does not allow for much movement and styling flexibility.

    There are several variations of both these hairstyles, but the taper offers more variety as compared to the fade. The former is suitable for men of all ages and for any class or profession, so you are likely to spot both 10-year-old kids and seniors sporting this hairstyle. The fade, on the other hand, is mostly sported by men in the armed forces. In earlier times, this hair cut was generally reserved for the military; now, however, players and sportsmen (usually footballers) have also taken a strong liking to the fade.

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    The taper is a haircut for men where the length of hair decreases gradually from the top of the head, down to the back and the sides of the head in a symmetrical fashion. In a traditional taper cut, the hair at the top is around two to four inches in length, and it tapers down in length as you move downwards on the sides and the back of the head.

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    A fade haircut is created when the hair at the top, as well as on the sides and back of the head, is progressively cut shorter. There are several variations of the fade haircut, including the bald fade or skin fade, in which the hair closest to the ears and the nape of the neck is completely shaved, leaving only a small amount of short hair at the top.

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