Difference Between Thalassemia and Anemia

Thalassemia and anemia are blood related diseases interlinked to each other. As a matter of fact, thalassemia, is left unattended, can become the cause of severe anemia. Although the two diseases are interlinked to each other, there are a few differences between the two.

There are a number of causes which can lead to anemia. Common causes of anemia include impaired red blood cell (RBC) production, hemolytic anemias (increased red blood cell destruction), fluid overload and excessive loss of blood. On the other hand, the only cause of thalassemia is genetic mutation. This means that thalassemia is inherited from parents which makes it a genetic disease whereas a number of different conditions become the cause of anemia.

Another difference between thalassemia and anemia is the way in which these blood disorders can be treated. All it takes to treat anemia is proper diet and medication; over a certain period of time. The same is not true in case of thalassemia because blood transfusion is inevitable for treatment of thalassemia. Furthermore, the cost of treatment also varies. Anemia can be treated inexpensively whereas treatment of thalassemia can become extremely costly.

Thalassemia is a blood disease which has no cure as yet. For this reason, a thalassemia patient has to undergo periodic blood transfusions for a lifetime. However, anemia can be treated in a very short period of time. This makes anemia less threatening for human beings as compared to thalassemia.


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    The word Thalassemia is used to refer to a number of different forms of genetic autosomal recessive blood disorders. These disorders sprung up in the Mediterranean region originally and later on, spread to different parts of the world.

    Cardiovascular illness, deformation of bones, severe pneumonia and overload of iron in the body are a few of many complications that thalassemia patients have to face through the remaining part of their lives. Unfortunately, until now, there is no permanent cure for thalassemia.

    Image Courtesy: reviews-technology.com

  • 2


    The word anemia means lack of blood. It is a condition in which haemoglobin levels fall below the normal level or there is a rapid decrease in the number of red blood cells (RBCs).

    There are number factors which help divide anemia into different types. Discernible clinical spectra, morphology of RBCs and underlying etiologic mechanisms are some of these factors.

    Image Courtesy: menits.com

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