Difference Between Theory and Practice

We live in a world where the only constant is change. Everyday new discoveries are being made which add to, validate or reject older ones. The scale at which the science is moving forward is unprecedented and barely a day goes by where nothing new emerges.

The two terms that we often hear when it comes to science related events are theory and practice. These two terms have their unique meanings and have their own purposes and should not be thought of as one.

A theory is a plausible reason for how or why something happens. Often, scientists research about the factors governing certain laws of nature and other matters and come up with theories as to what may have caused the event to take place.

Practice is the adaptation of these theories and their practical application in our lives. Practices can be changed with time and improved upon as new researches take place and better methods are found.

Although many practices may not be run on theories that were formally presented, there is always a theory behind a practice no matter in which shape it is.


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    Theory is the scientific opinion of the origination or working of something that is present in our environment. Generally it is used for scientific work only, but it is a broader term and is basically used in all parts of life. It is not a fact unless it is proven to be so and not all theories are correct.

    Theories are presented all the time in all fields and some of them get rejected out rightly while others taken up for further research. The ones that are proven become facts, though recently some of the theories that were previously considered to be facts have been proven as incorrect or certain mistakes have been pointed out.

    Image Courtesy: scipp.ucsc.edu

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    Practice is the manner in which something is done. It is generally based on facts as well as theories. Many practices have been around for ages and no clear theory is known to be behind them.

    The term practice is used across the board and is not related to a certain field of work. The practices in all fields of life change from time to time.

    Image Courtesy: osha.gov

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