Difference Between Trademark and Copyright

A trademark gives its holder the exclusive right to use certain symbols (logo, label, etc.) to distinguish their products or services. However, a certain kind of mark can be equated to copyright. The use of the trademark by others is illegal, and a timely extension or the validity of a trademark may be unlimited.

The Internet is a sphere in which, you can protect your goods and services through copyrights. First, it will give you an opportunity to find the offender who violated the copyright. Second, it is not difficult to seek justice.


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    Trademark is a unique logo, a designation with which the company marks its products and services. It is a means of individualization the enterprise, which is intended to be associated with customers with the company. The trademark is owned by the company, has a cost in terms of money and it should be recorded in the authorized state bodies.

    Before you make the trademark, prepare and send a request to the concerned government departments for verification after providing sketches of the trademark on the identity and similarity with existing registered or filed for registration companies and businesses. The package of documents includes a statement accompanying the registration of the trademark, which provides the full name of the applicant company, its location and legal address. Attach receipt for payment of the state fee for filing an application for registration to the package of documents. This must be done in order to take care of the rights of the other registered companies. At the same time, you can spend an independent search for the known industrial design trademark.

    Image courtesy: fltogetherfed.org

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    Copyright is one of the main intellectual property rights, which aims to provide solutions to a number of conflicts of interest that arise between intellectual creations authors, publishers and other intermediaries.

    Copyright applies to both the published and unpublished work in an objective form, including written, oral form (in the form of a public utterance, public performance and other similar form), images form, sound or video form.

    The most effective but quite expensive way to preserve copyright is the installation of special software. These software products protect the website owner, works, images, etc. from copying by others. Typically, copying, illegal placement of images, texts deals with scammers who make their money on this. However, the software requires a lot of money depending upon how many pages and images are there in the website.

    Image courtesy: davisip.com.au

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